I try to limit weekly spending to $40. Hubby & I each get $20 at the beginning of the week to spend on whatever we want/need. Since I'm the primary grocery girl, I tend to spend mine on weekly grocery deals.
When it comes to groceries, I limit myself to 1. things we need (don't have a suitable substitute for). 2. if it isn't on the list, it better be the best deal ever. 3. I try to never buy meat for more than $2 per pound (still working on a suitable substitute to my hubby's desire to give kids lunchmeat every day for lunch - still working on several of his daily "needs"). 4. As often as possible, I take advantage of store weekly deals & coupons.
This week at Cub I picked up:
4 boxes of phili cream cheese .88 each - not a usual purchase, but i adore cheesecake and want to try to make it again.
2 boxes of butter .98 each - we are a butter only family, so any time it goes under 2.50 a pound I buy a bunch and keep it in the freezer.
6 cans of beans/corn .37 each - when rinsed thoroughly its a tollerable substitute to fresh veggies.
2 bags of marshmallows - son's birthday request includes a fire breathing dragon to roast marshmallows at.
1 can of coffee - great deal at 3.98 - we're daily pot of coffee people
2 5lb bags of potatoes at .68 each - wow
2 cans cranberries .98 each
2 bags stuffing 1.48 each - we like to use this for fish breading & mixing with eggs
I plan on making a second trip this week to get several more of the above items, as well as their great deal on the .39 per pound turkey. Yipee! if only I had a big freezer i could stock up and get several.
I always check, even when something looks like a good deal, to see if it really is cheaper by checking the price per ounce price on the store displays. I'm not brand oriented, so whichever is cheapest is usually what I get.
I'm currently just paying minimums on my credit cards because I'm hoping to refinance and consolidate some debts to help us get from under this load. As soon as the consolidation/refinance go through, I plan on doing some balance transfer deals to get the rest of my debt onto one card so i can get it paid down quicker.
Other things: I'm working at filling out "energy assistance" paperwork. I took the kids off my insurance and will add them to MN Care after 4 months (1/2 the cost of what I was paying). I also have been approved for Alina's medical assistance program to cover all other med costs!
Things still to do: figure out other ways to reduce our bills - like adjust our insurance to be lower (higher deductibles and other adjustments) - use less electric & more wood heat...
I've set a holiday budget (thanksgiving & christmas) at $200. This is really low considering last year I spent that much on my name draw family and I'm hoping to add in the thanksgiving party & vin's birthday into the mix!! Let's see how i do :)
I'm feeling fairly comfortable with things this week, but I'm between checks and can't spend anything until the hubby's check clears this weekend - however, according to my sheet i shouldn't need to spend anything except the money to grocery trip reload & turkey.
As sad as it sounds, I'm pleased to say I've been 24 days without credit card assistance!
One step forward!