Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Lent 2012 - a conclusion

OOPS! I had this ready and waiting at the beginning of April! Better late than never?!

It did not work the way I wanted it to. I did not really have a pantry challenge, although I did buy fewer groceries. I did not sell anything, although I did manage to get one particularly troublesome room sorted and organized - temporarily. I did not save any real money from the budget.

I did get my tax refund and it was enough to put away my $1,000 goal!

I do want to pass on that I have now negotiated a deal with card number 2. They are matching the terms of card number 1 almost exactly. 1% for payoff in 5 years! This is so much of a relief to me. I have begun paying the modified amount on my mortgage even though I am still waiting for final paperwork. We will see what the future holds.