Friday, May 29, 2009

5/29 - Jacob as his own grandpa

My 13 year old - looking like he's someone's grandpa. This photo is not as creepy as it was seeing him for real. They sure do grow up fast. giggle.

I've been thinking lately about how long I've known Seth & Jacob. How much our lives have changed, how much we've grown. Seth & I were married 5 years ago - Jacob was 8 then. I actually don't remember how long I've known him, it always seems he's been part of my life.

I'm very proud of the young man he's becoming. He is gentle and kind. He is polite, and still remains able to be playful. That is something we try so hard at, giving him the chance to just be a kid as often as possible. He's smart, cute, and kind - some girl is going to be so lucky to get him *when he's 50 - cuz there will be no girls until then!!!!

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