Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mother's Day, May 10, 2009

We moved into our home on August 1, 2008. When we moved in the grass was 2-3 feet high everywhere. There were daisies, and lilies all over the place in what we figured was an overgrown field. Instead, this spring, we were overjoyed to discover cement paths encircling perennial gardens. We still haven't fully unearthed everything. So far we've watched daffodils, iris, tulip, and lilies of the valley bloom. We are watching pansies, roses, and lilacs pop up everwhere. And patches of lilies like you've never seen before. And all of this - in MY yard.

The kids were more than happy to run around the path at my request. They're wearing "Sunday Clothes". Lily's dress we found at Kohl's on clearance. I love having kids to play dress-up with. Although, Vincente picked out the outfit on this particular day - he loves wearing his bow-tie!

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